Friday, June 12, 2015


When your partner in life, whether husband or boyfriend, wife or girlfriend  is cheating on you or has cheated on you in the past, I wouldn’t have any apprehension that the first thing to come into your mind is to ask why.

Definitely you’re not alone. The fact is that, this is not an unusual scenario. Many are victims of infidelity and most of them want to know why their spouse or loved ones’ reason for being unfaithful and what persuade them to have an illicit affair.

Knowing the reason or reasons on why your significant other commit such act can help you deal with the situation. It will become your crucial key to making a wise decision about the best possible way to deal with the offender’s infidelity.

In case you decide to rectify with your cheating mate, knowing the reason behind the unfaithful act or betrayal can give you intuition on how to rebuild your relationship and will lessen the chances that the sin be enacted again. However, if you decide to leave your cheating mate, knowing the reason for your significant other’s deceiving act can ease the healing process, and let you move on without letting the impediments from your old relationship influence your future affairs in life.

But let me just say that I am completely pleased with how you feel. You are justified in your feelings and are allow to stagger in them for as long as you deem it crucial or necessary. On the contrary, I would like to suggest that is not the bottomline of anyone’s life and whoever faces the same agony, still, has a choice in this matter. Nobody has the right to judge over your thoughts and feelings. It is the one thing that belongs to you and only you through imperfections. And knowing what is real, I would like to emphasize on the possibility that you are the only one responsible for the way you feel for only you have full control over your own thoughts and feelings. I suggest that you may try to redirect your thoughts and focus into the ones that are more pleasing to you or rather would ease your pain. You’ve got to choose, so better start choosing thoughts that would make you feel good if not completely happy. 

We have full control over every aspect of our lives. Begin to realize the power of your will and start to think your way with your unrealized self-consciousness and much importantly, your freedom.

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

We Are What We Think

Today as a result of ordinary day to day activities, many people stay up late at night and sleep late into the morning. Such logical time hold them down with others as well as making them prone to stress upon mismatch schedule. How they actually sleep affects how stress they are.

Let me call it this way.. I’ve done the chores. I’m thru with my work. I knew I feel stress, upset and nervous but the bottom line is: I am not happy.

But how do we deal with ourselves being unhappy? Somehow it’s the thought that creates how we feel. As long as you don’t have the thought the feeling will not exist. And it’s exactly the other way around.


You can replace anybody, improved your physical attributes or even turn around your whole environment. But just like any movie scenario, it won’t last. And so this time, just like a speck of dust on the camera lens we have to wipe off the dirt. We have to change the scenes of the movie and create a different scenario. It means you have to change your mind from thinking what you think.

Many of our thoughts and speculations are just products of our creative assumptions. Is this for real? Is this the real score of my planned presentation? Will this outfit gonna impress everyone? Those are just suppositions or hypothesis. And only few are just credible.


We should learn truth the positive way. Always ask yourself if you are having thoughts as 100% truth. For the benefit of yourself you must think without obscurity of the doubt. As we can even turn our very stressful thought the other way around. Believe on what we are better for. Alas! We are what we think! 

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Power of Forgiveness

The weak can never forgive..
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong..
~Mahatma Gandhi~

It took me days to think of this scenario.. I remember one important person in my life, it has a valuable lesson and great to follow especially for those who want to move on. Have you ever rushed to forgive someone and found out it didn’t really work? Like you still felt bitter and crappy everytime you thought of the situation? Have you ever wondered what was really wrong with you?

When you hold bitterness or resentment towards another, you are enslave by the situation, an emotional link that is harder than a stone. Forgiveness is the only way that can untie the bond and be free.

Forgiveness is something precious we grant to ourselves. It is not something I in my deepest bestow on someone else in their weakness, because I am such a friendly and compassionate person. Our refusal to forgive will only drive us into deeper nostalgia that would take away a lot of positive energy from us. Sometimes, it is just an advocate in holding on to our anger and grievances but the sad thing is that, we are just hurting ourselves. Forgiveness allow us to redeem an immeasurable arsenal of free spirit. It releases an impassioned toxin from within oneself.

In order to be productive and creative in our lives, we need strength and vitality that will sustain physical, emotional and mental activity. We need our most brilliant spirit to be of service with others and that overwhelming controversies of our lifetime.

Anger has become the poster child for all the bad things. When it has been filled and bottled up and the lid does come off, anger results in fury and other undesirable behavior. Forgiveness refers not to the offense but the woundedness of the offender. But this doesn’t mean you’ll run back to your enemy because of compassion for the damaged person he or she is. Of course you want to spare yourself from maltreatment and injustice. However, from an immediate point of view, you can try to forgive the sensible or insensible ordeal that motivates everyone of us. Our aspiration to alter anger is a call for peace, worth desirable and definitely soul searching.

forgiveness - life coach

Whatever our pain, whatever our situation, we should not allow ourselves be attached to any endless grievances. Let us recharge our spirit and be free!

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